For Parents

An Inclusion Preschool Experience!

We provide a natural, inclusive learning environment for children with developmental disabilities such as autism.

Inclusion: Learn new skills alongside neurotypical friends

Development: Engage regularly with highly-trained specialists

Community: Connect with others who understand your challenges

And Fun!  Enjoy play-centered activities in a social environment

Inclusion: “The practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized” (Oxford, 2021) Why Inclusion Matters: Inclusion matters when it comes to our entire community but particularly when it comes to teaching children. Not only will you be modeling an honor for diversity, but your children will also be exposed to children who may look and engage with the world a little differently. Your child will learn and grow in ways such as: (1) creativity will be enhanced as a result of seeing, hearing, and experiencing different ways to accomplish goals teaching your child to solve problems creatively, (2) your child will get the amazing opportunity to learn to be a helper, support, and friend to a peer who may have different abilities, and (3) you and your family will have a role in making our community a better, kinder, and more inclusive space where others feel honored and safe. Want more information? Go to Autism Speaks or

What is Autism?

The Spectrum: Autism is a spectrum disorder meaning that if you have met one person with Autism, you have met one person with autism. Every individual on the Autism spectrum is different with varying abilities, strengths, and opportunities for improvement- just like you and I. Common Characteristics: Although every person with Autism has varying abilities, there are several core characteristics that might be present. To be diagnosed with Autism, a person must have deficits in social communication/interaction and restrictive/repetitive behaviors. These characteristics show up differently for every individual with Autism. In fact, symptoms must be present in the early developmental period, but may become more pronounced when social demands over time. In 2020, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with Autism. Notably, with support and evidence-based interventions, characteristics of Autism can become less pronounced over time.

The Cure for Autism:

There is not a cure for Autism. Important Note: However, with interventions that start at a young age such as Applied Behavior Analysis, there is a tremendous result of highly improved outcomes. There is not a limit on how much learning, growth, or knowledge can be gained because of best practice interventions at an early age and throughout the life span. The United States Surgeon General (1999) concluded, “Thirty years of research demonstrated the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication, learning, and appropriate social behavior”.

For Childcare Partners and For In-home Daycare

Do you have students in your schools or in your home daycare with challenging behaviors? We can help! We provide a variety of services designed to assist you in supporting students presenting complex behavioral and instructional needs. Our team of highly qualified BCBAs and behavior technicians with extensive education-based expertise bring a unique perspective and specific experience to the delivery of behavior analytic services.  We have partnered with CA Human Services who have successfully collaborated with organizations to enhance outcomes for children with autism, developmental delays, emotional/behavioral disorders, and learning difficulties.

Services We Provide:

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The CA Human Services and Precious Time Child Development Center partnership began with their similar visions to see a more inclusive Virginia by eradicating gaps in services for the neurodiverse specifically in the early childhood sector. 

For many years CA Human Services (formerly Commonwealth Autism) ran their own highly successful inclusive preschool program with 5 sites across the Richmond area.  With their vision to create a more inclusive Virginia, they approached Peymaneh Rothstein, owner of Precious Time, with their vision.  Rothstein’s passion for children of all abilities melded with CA’s vision and the first inclusive preschool of its kind was born in Chesterfield, Virginia.

CA consultative services provided guidance on how to leverage Applied Behavior Analysis under the supervision of a Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA).  Now with their own LBA and new Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs), Precious Time is able to provide specialized programming and support to children with Autism to help them thrive in a typical preschool classroom setting. 

CA’s experience in using medical insurance to provide the fiscal backing for this program has aided Precious Time in bringing in additional funding to help cover the costs of this new services. 

Why is this program important?